Monday, December 19, 2005

The Beginning of a Journey

This blog has been inspired by the other blogs that people have written concerning their trials and tribulations on the way to earning an MBA. Daniel Forester and the others from The League of MBA Bloggers have been an enormous help in helping me and others make decisions and evaluate our plans to attend any of the various business schools across the nation. Many of the people working on an MBA in an online program have explained their experiences and given their insights concerning what the experience has been like as a whole. My journey begins here and now as I am studying to take the GMAT in the spring and plan to start an MBA program in January of next year. The two programs I am focused on at the moment are the part-time program at the University of South Carolina or the online program at the University of Mississippi. Neither schools are ranked in the top 50 programs, but South Carolina is well regarded nationwide and internationally and the University of Mississippi has a growing alumni network in the South and is a fine institution in it's own right. Both are also very affordable which is a main concern for me at the present time. I am not necessarily looking to change careers, but I would like to have the flexibility to do so in the future and an MBA would afford me this possibility. So this is the chronicle of my experiences, not just of school and preparing for school but of life in general.

I have just returned from a trip to Montana and it was quite an experience. It was a winter vacation I suppose you could say and I certainly look forward to returning in the summer months to see the wheat fields golden in the sun and the grasslands full of green. It would also be nice to witness a thunderstorm on the plains when you can see for miles across the horizon. That would be an amazing sight to see. My best friend Chris and I had a wonderful time just seeing new places and catching up on old times. Our trip this time was much better since it was unencumbered with the worry and harping of the women we were involved with last year. A more vicious duo of harpies you have would trouble creating in your nightmares. But it is on to better days now and the realization of our hopes and dreams. I will try to post some pics of the trip in the days to come. The picture above is from the Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site located in Deer Lodge, Montana. The Park Service Guide, Julie Croglio, was very informative and energetic during her tour and she is also very easy on the eye. A trip well worth it if ever you get the chance. Also in the same town is the Historic Montana State Prison. It may not sound exciting but if you arrange a tour with Mr. Boyd Gutebier, a former guard at the prison for many years, you will be entertained and possibly disturbed. It was one of the highlights of my trip meeting this man. A true believer.